Women’s International Day 2024- India-Punjab-Sanghol

Women’s International Day 2024- India-Punjab-Sanghol

Under the umbrella of GIO Education Council, International Women's Day was celebrated at Cordia Group Of Institutes (Colleges and School), Sanghol, Punjab, India, in the presence of Superintendent Of Police, Sh. Rakesh Yadav from Fatehgarh Saheb, Punjab, CEO, Principal, faculty, and students of Cordia Group. Local women from Sanghol and nearby villages, who are doing well in their profession, working for the Society, were facilitated. Dr. Urmil Verma,Chairperson, GIO Education Council, motivated the women and all girl students, especially to do the best in life, to enhance their skills, uplift the self, and work for the betterment of the society. he Significance, aims , objectives, and mission of GIO, working for the Society, were highlighted. Chairman GIO, Lord Diljit Rana, delivered the keynote speech and appreciated the efforts of women, who are shouldering multi responsibilities : at work place, in the family and towards Society. The students performed enthusiastically in various cultural items. Here attached sharing few glimpses : Dr. Urmil Verma GIO Chairperson Education Council