Global Indian Organisation – GIO is a secular, non-political non-partisan, non-sectarian, not-for-profit global organisation. It is engaged in providing a common platform for NRIs, OCI’s and residents of different countries to coordinate in the domains of cultural, educational, scientific, social, economic, and community affairs and in furthering their linkage with India.
To promote and enhance the legitimate interests of the Indian Diaspora locally and globally.
To promote the cultural heritage of OCIs, PIOs/NRIs.
To mobilise professional, financial and intellectual resources of the Indian diaspora for a better
understanding, cooperation and collaboration locally and globally in their respective fields.
To organise interaction so as to discuss, deliberate and initiate measures of common issues, grievances and problems facing the Indian Diaspora.
To provide a platform or network for sharing information on global, regional and national developments affecting the Indian Diaspora.
To promote active participation of the Indian Diaspora in the economic, social and cultural schemes of the Government of India and Indian State Governments to promote development in India and abroad.
To further the interaction between PIOs/NRIs and other communities at global level in promoting world peace, progress and ecological harmony.
To develop channels of communication within the Indian Diaspora to support, to organise and participate in mutually beneficial programmes and events in India and abroad.
To raise funds through contributions and other means for the promotion of social, cultural, developmental activities and also for relief and rehabilitation during natural and other calamities.
To constitute Think Tanks and Task Forces of the Indian Diaspora so as to exchange information on economic opportunities for the benefit of Indians living in and outside of India.
GIO will create interactions and liaise the Indian Diaspora with host country Governments, Indian Government and international Organisations